Saturday, 31 March 2012


What a great day for a run!  It is a beautiful 7 degrees, and sunny and a great day for a run!  SO WHY NOT RUN FOR PANCAKES!  YUMMMO!!!!  Chrystal and I decided we were going to run Vanier Maple Run.  We were debating the 5 or the 10 km run.  We finally settled on the 5 km THANK GOODNESS!!  I nearly died on the 5km and came in last!  HA HA HA you don't get anywhere by not practicing.  Anyways finished in 41 mins ... SOOO not a personal best, in fact I think it might be a personal worst!!!  But atleast I did it and got through it and lived to tell about it.  Also I didn't realize how beautiful Vanier was, and that there was a great urban sugar shack!  Just AMAZING! 

When I got home Patrick had a great trophy full of chocolate waiting for me at home!  SOOO GREAT! 

Thursday, 29 March 2012

TAKE 3!!!

NEW SHOES ... take 3!! 

Ok so here is the thing, I am generally not a picky person, when it comes to sports equipment.  Ask my friend James, he used to literally squeeze my ski boots on my feet because I refused to by new ones.  They were a size 6 and my feet are a size 10.  He used to sit on them while I or one of my friends would close the hinges.  It was generally a 3 person job. 

Soooo to be on my third pair of shoes to me seems ridiculous!  I tried the pair of asics you saw below and they just didn't fit right so I went back to running room for an exchange.  For some reason the person working offered me a shoe with more support when in fact what I needed was a shoe with less support.  Apparently there are people who run called supinators and pronators and others that are neutral.  I was told I was a pronator but in fact my foot falls in more of a neutral/supinator position.  To add to this problem I was then given a pair of insoles that exagerrated the support for a pronator further.  This miss assesment has been causing me a great deal of pain!  OUCH.  My foot is literally making a grinding sound when I move it, poor abused foot muscles. 

Now like I said I like to try to push through all that pain and noise and "JUST GET 'ER DONE" so I was running in these shoes and probably causing a lot more damage to the muscles then I should have been.  HENCE new shoes number 3! New shoes number 3 are cute and green and blue and white ... ok really they are not my style and kinda ugly but its not all about style, they have to be functional and comfortable.  I didn't want to spend another huge chunk of change on shoes so I got some that were a steal running room for $49.99 if you can believe it!!!! 

The RESULT of new shoes number #3: first treadmill run = success!!!  5 km on a treadmill in 42 minutes with a 5 min walk start and a 5 min walk cool down!  A month ago that was taking me 1:15:00. 

Also I would like to congratulate myself on officially dropping 15 lbs since I started this thing!


If you are interested in contributing to my journey to Alaska please feel free to check out my TNT donor page at

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Just got my total back from the SAIL fundraiser!!  I DID GREAT!!!  Was able to raise 582.96$$$ SCORE!

I am only $76.04 away from my 2000$ target this month!!! I hope I get it soon, anyone out there willing to donate $76.04?

Also have been contacting some people looking for some larger donations ... I really hope one of them comes through for me would love to have a corporate sponsor on my side.

Tonight 4 mile Tempo run ... I hate the tempo runs!  Ohh well gotta push through it, doing some AMAZING things!

Monday, 19 March 2012


So the paths are clear of snow it's 25 degrees and the running is good!!! Well ok I'm still slow but defiantly getting stronger!! I am love love loving being outside in the sun and was totally over dressed in a long sleeve shirt today! It was great!!! Also was working at SAIL all week packaging bags and working as a "celebrity" packer! Amazing thing is I think I was actually pretty good at it!!!! SAIL even offered me a job although Im not sure how serious that offer was :). I very rarely had anyone say no and was often getting 5 dollar bills and even a few 20s tossed in my bucket!! It really reinforced my decision to do something good! I was amazed to see how supportive the community was when I told them about TNT my choice to go to Alaska and my story in general! Others were supportive of Lls and it was hard to hear how many people had loved ones who were suffering or in remission. It reminded me alot of what we went through when grandma got sick and it forced me to relive a lot of that pain, I wish she could have survived the way some of their relatives did!! I guess that's the hard part about doing this for charity you hear so many sad stories, but there are also wonderful stories of survival that are truely inspiring!

Check out my picture of the GREEN there is GREEN ... This was such a short winter but I am still glad it's over and happy to see spring which even on march 19 feels like summer!

Tuesday, 13 March 2012


So as some of you may know I have been really really really sick.  First I had strep, then a sinus infection ear infection and pink eye, ALL AT ONCE!!  Sooo was feeling good got rid of that and then BAM ... the flu from hell that knocked me so far on my A@@ I didn't get out of bed for almost a week!!!!  I still have a horrible lingering cough, but that is much easier to work through then the horrible malaise I was feeling for the last 2.5 weeks.  I am feeling recovered now and ready to rock and ... run!!!

So here is how my progress is going ... Last night I RAN, yes that is right RAN the complete 5 km no walking at all!!  AMAZING!!  Well ok to be fair for some reason around 3 km in EVERY run I have to stop to go to the bathroom (ICK!!) so there was that short break.  But other then that ran the whole way!!!  it took me less then 40 mins (which might not sound good ... but is GREAT for me) and that was with the bathroom break!  Also on the weekend I went out for 2 hours not really sure how far I went just allowed myself to get lost.  I tried to map out a general route, and it looks like it was just over 10 km.  

I can't believe how well I am doing I am so proud of myself this week!