What a great day for a run! It is a beautiful 7 degrees, and sunny and a great day for a run! SO WHY NOT RUN FOR PANCAKES! YUMMMO!!!! Chrystal and I decided we were going to run Vanier Maple Run. We were debating the 5 or the 10 km run. We finally settled on the 5 km THANK GOODNESS!! I nearly died on the 5km and came in last! HA HA HA you don't get anywhere by not practicing. Anyways finished in 41 mins ... SOOO not a personal best, in fact I think it might be a personal worst!!! But atleast I did it and got through it and lived to tell about it. Also I didn't realize how beautiful Vanier was, and that there was a great urban sugar shack! Just AMAZING!
When I got home Patrick had a great trophy full of chocolate waiting for me at home! SOOO GREAT!
YAY for pancakes and your first run!